Check Out Anchor Text Used to Link to Your Site

Google recently improved the page analysis section in Google Webmaster tools to show complete phrases used in external links to your site. If you have your site verified with Google, you can now see the text used in links from other websites to your site.

Simply go to the statistics tab in Webmaster tools and click on page analysis and you will see the list of phrases under in external links to your site.

Previously this tool only showed a list of common individual words used in text that linked to your website. Now you can see whole phrases, i.e. the anchor text. Some of the information is aggregated and the list is limited to 100 phrases (more than was shown with individual words). See the Official Google Webmaster Central Blog for more detailed information.

See also: Anchor Text & Why its Important

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Anonymous said...

As useful as it is, it's a shame that there is such a delay in the reporting of anchor text in google's webmaster area. Newly created or altered anchor text can take more than a month to show up, even if the referring site has been in google's index for years.

Melbourne Mortgage

Naj said...

It can take Google up to four weeks to discover & re-index new content, so this may be why newly created or altered anchor text could take more than a month to show up in WM tools.