The Wonders of ACEOs and a Nosey Giraffe

The wonders of ACEOs...this "Nosey Giraffe" ACEO has recently made it's way into a collection the other side of the world. It is the southernmost any of my art has ever travelled! The appeal of ACEOs to artists as a fun promotional tool are quite well documented. But I would like to focus more on the affordability and accessibility aspect. Now its not really fair to make a direct comparison between ACEOs and what is termed "miniature art". There are perceived differences, and the only requirement for an ACEO is its 2.5 x 3.5 inches size. I also believe a great deal more time is spent on miniatures. But, in an ACEO group I belong to, we were talking about the recent Royal Society of of Miniaturists exhibition. The submission guidlines on their website state

"Minimum prices are £350 for portraits, £120 for subject work and £120 for sculpture."

I have known the odd ACEO reach £120 at eBay auction. More normally, you don't need a deep pocket or a trip to a London art gallery to buy one, they are truly affordable and accessible art.

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