Re-Creating Art

Virgin and Child after Von Carolsfield
I recently exhibited this graphite drawing re-creation of "Virgin and Child" by Von Carolsfeld in a Christmas Art exhibition. I was interested in the design and simple style of the original artwork. I also wanted to try and re-create the ambiance of this 1850's religious painting, more so than to produce a replica.

This is not the first such re-creation I have done. Co-incidentally, I also did a little recreation from DaVinci's The Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist. I think I'm just attracted to "old world" mother and child subjects. I knew very little about the original artist when I started this work, but I now know he was a German painter, renowned for his biblical illustrations.

Recreating art works can be an interesting way of finding out about past artists as well as pushing your own styles and techniques in different directions.

My new Art Exhibitions page.


  1. Nice to see you on flickr :) I like your drawing.

  2. Ty JafaBrit!

    Signed up with flickr a while ago, but hadn't got around to using it until now!
