Make Sure it's not Gameover for your Windows Computers

Detect / remove the Gameover Zeus Virus & Cryptolocker(For Free)

Have you scanned your computer yet for those associated nasties, CryptoLocker (renders your computer unusable until you pay a ransom) and Gameover Zeus Virus? There were news announcements throughout the media, and the UK government's Get Safe Online website actually crashed due to a sudden surge in demand. The UK National Crime Agency says it, and America's FBI have taken temporary control over the communications which the criminals are using to connect with infected computers. If you have not scanned your computer, you have a limited time in which you should do it. (If you have a Windows virtual machine set up on a Mac, or any server running Windows and Windows embedded, this applies to you too.) YOU SHOULD RUN A SCAN NOW, you should also make sure all your software is up to date, that you have back-ups of important files photos etc., and take care to avoid the virus in future too!

How do you get the Virus?

The malware may be downloaded as an email attachment. It could also be a phishing scam. So you should only open email attachments when you're absolutely certain the email is genuine, and try not to be duped into giving away personal details.

How to check for the malware?

If you are uncertain if your existing anti virus is up to date or doing it's job properly, download the free sophos virus removal tool. For other free tools and comprehensive information on this threat visit the UK Government site Get Safe Online.

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